Marketing Your Home


Marketing your home is one of the most important jobs a real estate agent has. It is our responsibility to find and procure a qualified buyer for your home in the shortest amount of time possible.



As the saying goes, it’s all about presentation. That’s exactly what staging is – presenting your home to potential buyers in a way that allows them to envision themselves living there. Some immediate things you can do to properly stage your home for a quick sell:

  • De-Personalize: As hard as it is to take down your treasured family photos, this is the first step in making potential buyers feel like they could be walking into their future home, not yours.
  • De-Clutter: It’s never fun (or easy!) but it’s one of the most effective things you can do. If your closets and countertops are overflowing, potential buyers get the impression that the house won’t have enough storage space.
  • Minimize: As strange as it sounds, the less furniture in a space, the better. If a room is filled with oversized furniture, it can actually make the space look smaller. For example, if you have a crowded bedroom, move a nightstand out to the garage for storage until your house is sold.
  • Eagle Eye: Take a hard look at your house and take care of those miscellaneous things you’ve been putting off. Simple things like replacing blown light bulbs or replace older, yellowed electrical face plates with new bright white ones.
  • Paint: A fresh coat of paint will do wonders. Choose a monochromatic color scheme (now is not the time for self-expression!) in a warm beige or toasty grey. Lighter is better, as it tends to brighten and open the space. And bright white baseboards and trim really make a room pop!
  • Clean: The cheapest way to spruce up your house and get it ready to sell. It’s not glamorous or fancy, but it’s effective.


Professional Photos

Many property photos are awful. In fact, there is a website devoted to showcasing bad real estate photography. We enlist the help of a professional photographer for all of our listings. In today’s world, people won’t even bother to call to see your listing if the photos are bad.


Virtual Tour

Virtual Tours an effective means of allowing potential buyers a chance to preview your home before a showing. It allows potential buyers to “walk thru” the house before they ever even get there.



The Internet plays a huge role in marketing listings today. All of our listings are featured on:

  • Our Website
  • MLSAdvantage
  • Agent3000
  • Social Media



It’s the quality not quantity that counts. Some companies pride themselves on the size of their email list. But what good does it do, when you’re emailing a listing to a list that never gets opened? We don’t believe in spamming your listing to the masses; we prefer a targeted approach. We will cultivate a list of potential buyers that your home matches their criteria. The rate of return is much higher.



Yes, there are still print marketing avenues that are used in the digital age. Our print strategy depends on the unique features of your listing.



MLS: Multiple Listing Service. The shared database that all licensed REALTORS use on a daily basis, multiple times per day. Access to the local and state MLS is crucial to selling your home.